Welcome to the Imouri Anime Review, where people vote for an anime that the Imouri team will review. The anime will be reviewed using these four criteria; Story, Animation, Character Development, and World-Building. Each category will be given of score (1-10), and then an overall score will be determined.
It's Mecha March Madness. What better way to celebrate March is with some mech anime. The users from the Secret Anime Club voted for well-known mech anime. It was a close, but Neon Genesis Evangelion was the anime chosen for the March 2021 review.
Now this review is a bit different from our regular review format. Ryan and I have decided to make this a video review. This is our first ever video review. For all the details on the review, please enjoy the video below.
*All images are from the My Anime List website. All videos are from YouTube that the channel owners listed. We do not own any of these images. Credit to all artists of the images and credit goes to the creators of the anime series.